Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

All Classes:
  • Today we kept our homebase/block 1 all day
  • We watched "The Ultimate Gift"... this movie was a way for Mrs. Hylton to tie in her novel her classes just finished reading
  • All classes were expected to turn in their current events in the morning. Announcements were made in all the classrooms for students to do so.
  • The same rule applies as usual... if a student did not hand in their current event today, they can still hand it in for full credit on Jan. 3rd as long as two articles are completed.
I hope everyone has a safe holiday break and come back in January refreshed.

Monday, December 20, 2010

1/2 day remaining until Christmas break

Blocks 1 and 2:
  • Watched the year in rap
  • Current events are due tomorrow (since we weren't in school Thurs. and Fri.)
  • Worked on our World War I workbooks
  • Discussed World War I PowerPoint
Block 3:
  • We had our G..R.E.A.T. ice cream party today
  • Current events are due tomorrow
  • Watched the year in rap
Because of the snow days last week, we will now have school on January 3rd and January 21st. Please make note of this so that you are not absent those days and will be present at school.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

4 1/2 Days til Christmas Break

All Classes:
  • We reviewed for the test tomorrow
  • Remember: this test focuses on chapter 6 sections 1,3 and chapter 7 sections 3,4 from the book
  • Textbook website: www.pearsonsuccessnet.com
  • Current events are due Friday

Monday, December 13, 2010

5 1/2 days til Christmas Break

Block 1:
  • GREAT (last day for this)
  • Reviewed chapter 7 section 4 for test Wednesday
Block 2:
  • GREAT (last day for this)
  • Continued to take notes on chapter 7 section 3
Block 3:
  • GREAT (last day for this)
  • Began taking notes on chapter 7 section 3
Homework All Classes:
  • Study for test on Wednesday
  • This test will be on chapter 6 sections 1 and 3 and chapter 7 sections 3 and 4
  • Current Events are due Friday

Friday, December 10, 2010

I'm back!!!

Hello All
I have missed my students. I have been out for two days because I lost my voice. But, now that it is found, I am back at work.

All Classes:
Today, students were able to catch up on some work they didn't finish when the substitute was here.
Also, they began working on their study guides for their test on Tuesday.This test will cover Chapter 6 Sections 1 and 3 and Chapter 7 sections 3 and 4 in their textbook.

Current Events were due today.
Remember: if you didn't turn this in today. you can turn it in Monday for full credit with two articles completed.

Begin studying for your test on Tuesday

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I did not get a chance to write out an agenda from yesterday's classes.

What we did yesterday:
  • Finished watching our movie on Christopher Columbus
  • Completed definitions
  • Began reading and taking notes on chapter 7 section 3

Current Events due Friday
GREAT project staying after school

Friday, December 3, 2010

What we did today

All Classes:
  • We handed in and reviewed our Chapter 6 Vocabulary Development
  • We reviewed our Chapter 6 Section 3 Quiz
  • We watched Flocabulary and discussed current events
  • We watched a movie on Christopher Columbus (2nd and 3rd block did not finish and will finish on Monday)
Have a good weekend.Stay warm!

GREAT Project completion is Tuesday, December 7th from 3:15 - 4:15pm. Dress warm. We will be picking up trash outside. Please have rides here promptly at 4:15.

Report cards go home Monday, December 6th.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

What we did Today

Block 1 and 2:
  • We reviewed our quiz 6-1 and South America Physical map test
  • We discussed our chapter 6 section 3 notes and took a quiz on 6-3
  • We watched a movie based on the Incas
Block 3:
  • We finished our chapter 6 section 1 guided reading
  • We reviewed our guided reading and notes for 6-1 and then took a quiz on 6-1
  • We discussed our chapter 6 section 3 notes and took a quiz on 6-3
  • We reviewed our South America physical map test
All Classes Homework:
Chapter 6 vocabulary development. If they finished it in class, they were able to turn it in before going home.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What we did today

All Classes:
Today we finished our projects for the Incas. They turned out really well!!!

Remember: No current events this week

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What we did Today!

I was not here yesterday. I apologize for not being here. The students finished their guided readings and worked on a reading about the Incas. Then Mr. Bullins came in and conducted GREAT.

All Classes:
We began our Inca projects. We painted a lot today and tomorrow we will finish making our headdresses, fans, and necklaces. The students did a really great job today with the paint.

No Homework tonight. There are no current events this week. I am behind on grading so it gives the students a breather.

Report cards will go home December 6th.
Those staying after school to complete their GREAT project will do so on December 7th. This is a Tuesday and we will be outside from 3:15-4:15. Please have rides waiting promptly at 4:15.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Today was REWARD DAY. For those students who earned REWARD DAY, they got to watch movies and go outside, etc. It was a good way to send the students off for the Thanksgiving holiday. 

Students were also required to finish any make up work, being that it is the end of the grading period.

I hope everyone has a healthy and happy Thanksgiving!!! Eat lots of Turkey!

Monday, November 22, 2010

What we did Today!

All Classes:
  • We took our South America physical map test today. Most students did really well on this.
  • We worked on/finished our guided reading for chapter 6 section 1 and notes for chapter 6 sections 1 and 3
  • Mr. Bullins came in and conducted GREAT classes
  • 3rd block won the ice cream party for bringing in the most cans as a class
Blocks 1 and 2
  • We took a quiz on chapter 6 section 1
Block 3
  • We did not finish our guided reading from chapter 6 section 1
  • We did not get to take our pop quiz on chapter 6 section 1 either. We will do this tomorrow.

All Classes HOMEWORK:
  • Progress reports need signed and brought back by tomorrow
  • No current events this week

Friday, November 19, 2010

What we did Today!

All Classes:
  • We finished reviewing some of the papers we got back yesterday.
  • We practiced our South America map on the wall
  • We took a practice quiz today on the physical map
  • We continued to work on our Chapter 6 section 1 guided reading on South America
  • Block 1 handed in their guided readings
  • We turned in our Current Events
  • We watched the Week in Rap
  • Progress reports went home yesterday and today... they are due back signed by Tuesday 
  • GREAT project was due today
Study for South America physical map test
Current Events if you did not turn it in today
Get progress reports signed and brought back



Thursday, November 18, 2010

What we did Today

Block 1:
Practiced physical map of South America on the wall.
Worked on guided reading for chapter 6 section 1.
Finished writing definitions for chapter 6 section 1.
Received progress reports that need to be signed and returned by Tuesday.
Received our tests and other papers back. We reviewed these and received stickers for our reward chart.

Blocks 2:
Worked on guided reading for chapter 6 section 1.
Finished writing definitions for chapter 6 section 1.
Received progress reports that need to be signed and returned by Tuesday.
Received our tests and other papers back. We reviewed these and received stickers for our reward chart.

Block 3:
Worked on guided reading for chapter 6 section 1.
Finished writing definitions for chapter 6 section 1.
Received progress reports that need to be signed and returned by Tuesday.
Received our tests and other papers back.
Received stickers for our reward chart.
Mr. Bullins came in and conducted GREAT today since he missed on Monday.

All Classes Homework:
Current events are due tomorrow
GREAT project is due tomorrow

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What we did Today!

All Classes:
Today we finished our physical maps and turned them in. Our test on these is Monday next week.

We also took our test on our countries and capitals of South America.

We started on our vocabulary for the next section of notes.

Block 1:
This class watched a video about South America too.

GREAT project due Friday.
Current Events are due Friday.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


All Classes:
We practiced our South America political map's countries and capitals with a fake quiz today. I did not take this up for a grade but it gave the students a chance to see how much they knew from memory.

We practiced more on the wall to keep learning our countries and capitals.

We worked on our physical maps of South America. The test for this will be Monday next week.

Great Project due Friday
Current Events due Friday
South America Political Map Test TOMORROW!

Monday, November 15, 2010

What we did Today!!!

Blocks 1 and 2:
Mr. Bullins came in today and conducted his GREAT class. Remember: GREAT projects are due Friday!

After GREAT, we practiced our South America political maps on the wall. Your test is Wednesday.

Block 3:
Mr. Bullins did not come in today. He will come in on Thursday.

We practiced our South America maps on the wall. Your test is Wednesday.

We began working on our physical maps of South America.

All Classes:
Current Events due Friday
Study for map test on Wednesday
GREAT project due Friday

Friday, November 12, 2010

What we did Today!

All Classes:
Those students who did not finish their maps, finished them during class while everyone else practiced their countries and capitals of South America on the wall.
The students did a great job today learning their 29 countries and capitals.

Political map test on Wednesday, November 17th. Make sure to start studying now!

No homework this weekend.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Veterans were here

All Classes:
We took our Environment, Resources, and Trade Test today.

We finished our South America political maps and handed these in.

We discussed Veterans Day and what it means to be a Veteran.

We had an assembly at the end of the day where veterans from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq, and Afghanistan came and shared their stories.

Have a great day off tomorrow and think about a Veteran!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Veterans are coming

Tomorrow is our assembly where we have Veterans from all wars from WWII on. The students really enjoy this presentation and it is so nice to see Veterans coming to share their heroic stories. Parents, if you have the time, you may come and join us for this presentation. It starts at 1:15pm in the cafe.

What we did today!

All Classes:
We reviewed for our test tomorrow. Our test tomorrow is on our Environment, Trade, and Resources notes. Students have had a study guide since Friday last week.

Homework tonight: STUDY STUDY STUDY

Also, we began working on our South America maps and are starting our unit on South America.

GREAT project due November 19th. That is next Friday!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

What we did Today!

Block 1:
No GREAT today. Mr. Bullins is on the Outer Banks trip.
We reviewed our quizzes and maps from last week.
We worked with partners on our study guides for our test Wednesday.

Blocks 2 and 3:
No GREAT today. Mr. Bullins is on the Outer Banks trip.
We reviewed our quizzes and maps from last week.
We worked with partners on our Junior Scholastic magazines.
We worked in groups to answer questions on our study guides for our test on Wednesday.




Friday, November 5, 2010

Next Week

GREAT class

Review for test tomorrow

Shortened schedule due to War Veteran's coming and talking to the 6th graders
Parents: please feel welcome to come to this. It is a fantastic presentation. It begins at 1:15pm in the cafeteria

NO SCHOOL/Veteran's Day

We have school
Dance 3:15 - 5:15pm

What we did today!

All Classes:
  • Turned in current events
  • Watched the week in rap
  • Finished our Trade notes
  • Took a pop quiz
  • Worked on our Junior Scholastic Quiz Wizards and Cuba map (some students finished these and some did not)
  • Began working on our study guides for our test on Wednesday
GREAT Project due November 19th
Late current events due Monday with two articles

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What we did today!

All Classes:
Today we concentrated on three stories on our Junior Scholastic magazine. One was about mother nature and global warming. The second was about Cuba and Fidel Castro. The third was about Mesopotamia and ancient civilization.

After reading and discussing the three articles we began working on a Quiz Wizard which has questions to answer about the articles. We will finish these and the Cuba map tomorrow in class.

We are having a pop quiz tomorrow. We will turn in current events, watch the week in rap, finish our trade notes, take a quiz, and then finish our Junior Scholastic. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Bring your thinking caps.

I am sending home study guides tomorrow for their test on Wednesday.

GREAT project is due November 19th
Current Events are due tomorrow

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What we did Today!

All Classes:
Today we read aloud four readings about natural resources and their uses. Then we worked in groups of 5 to fill out a graphic organizer about two of the readings. Students worked really hard today and did a good job overall on the assignment.

Current events due Friday
Environment, Trade, Resources Test will be Wednesday next week.
GREAT project due November 19th.

Usually I do tutoring on Wednesdays after school. Next week, I am changing it to Tuesday after school from 3:00 - 3:45pm. This way we can review for their test on Wednesday.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What we did Today!

All Classes:
We reviewed our Population tests and received stickers for them. We also reviewed our vocabulary quiz from Friday and received stickers for these.
We began working on our Trade notes today.


Current Events due Friday
GREAT project due November 19th. That is 18 days from now.

Monday, November 1, 2010

What we did Today!

All Classes:

  • Mr. Bullins came in and conducted his GREAT class. 
  • We received our Current Events notebooks back to look at grades.
  • We reviewed students' guided readings on resources and environment
  • We finished our economic and natural resources maps and turned these in
  • We began working on four readings... these are not homework and will continue to work on these tomorrow.
  • No Homework tonight.
  • GREAT project is due November 19th
  • Tomorrow is an EARLY RELEASE day. Students leave school at 1:01pm
  • November 11th is Veteran's Day... There is NO SCHOOL

Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

Blocks 1 and 2:
We watched the Week in Rap. Then we took our vocabulary quiz today. Students said this was easy. I passed back a whole bunch of papers and projects today. Students need to have the papers we passed back today with them on Monday so that we can go over them and they can correct their answers. We began working on economic activity maps.

Block 3:
We took notes on our Environment section. We watched the Week in Rap. Then we took our vocabulary quiz today. Students said this was easy. I passed back a whole bunch of papers and projects today. Students need to have the papers we passed back today with them on Monday so that we can go over them and they can correct their answers. We began working on economic activity maps.

All Classes:
Current Events were due today.
Bonus was due today, graded, and passed back.
Progress Reports were due today.
Block 3 had to turn in their Resources guided reading.

I hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What we did today

Block 1 and 2:
We took notes on the Environment.
We reviewed yesterday's notes on resources and then played a review game. We took a quiz on resources.
We turned in our homework from yesterday (guided reading on resources).

Block 3:
We reviewed resources notes from yesterday. We played a vocabulary BINGO game. We played a game reviewed resources. We took a quiz on resources. We received a homework assignment (guided reading on resources). Some students were able to finish this in class, others had to take this home.

All Classes:
Progress reports are due tomorrow.
Bonus is due tomorrow.
We are having a vocabulary quiz tomorrow.
Current Events are due tomorrow.

Reminder: GREAT project is due November 19th.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What we did Today!

Blocks 1 and 2:
Today we finished our vocabulary definitions and then completed the vocabulary sheet where we had to draw illustrations for our words and create a sentence using our vocabulary.

Then we took notes on our Resources topic. Lastly, we played BINGO to practice our vocabulary.

Homework: Guided Reading about Resources

Block 3:
Today we finished our vocabulary definitions and then completed the vocabulary sheet where we had to draw illustrations for our words and create a sentence using our vocabulary.

Then we took notes on our Resources topic.

Because of the tornado warning, we were unable to play BINGO or get our homework assignments.

All Classes:
Progress reports went home today. These need to be signed by a parent and brought back by Friday.
Current Events are due Friday.
Bonus is due Friday if you decided to do it.
Vocabulary Quiz Friday.

I hope everyone gets home safe tonight!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What we did Today!

All Classes:
We took our Population Test today. If you were absent, you will have to Friday to make this up. You can either come in the morning before school or in the afternoon after school.
We began working on our next section's vocabulary words. Some students finished these and some did not. We will finish them in class tomorrow.
We also began working on a visualization of our vocabulary words. We will finish this in class tomorrow as well.

Homework: No homework tonight... but Current Events are due on Friday.

Monday, October 25, 2010

What we did Today!

Blocks 1 and 2:
We reviewed study guides today and I answered any questions the students had about their test tomorrow. We also discussed two other population density maps to get a better understanding of them for our test tomorrow. We also read about population statistics in the United States and answered questions on this.

Block 3:
We reviewed your population guided reading.
We reviewed study guides today and I answered any questions the students had about their test tomorrow. We also discussed two other population density maps to get a better understanding of them for our test tomorrow.

Homework for all classes:

Mr. Bullins did not come in today to conduct GREAT. Remember that your GREAT projects are due November 19th.

Friday, October 22, 2010

What we did Today!

Block 1:
We reviewed your population density map and population guided reading. Students were able to work on their study guides with a partner today to start filling in some answers.

Block 2:
We reviewed your population density maps and population guided reading. Study Guides were given out so that students can start studying this weekend.

Block 3:
We practiced and performed our population songs. The students did a really great job on these.

All Classes:
Students need to begin studying this weekend for their population test on Tuesday. We will finish reviewing on Monday. Their test is Tuesday. Current Events were due today as well.

Reminder: GREAT project is due November 19th

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What we did today!

Block 1:
We practiced our population song and performed it in front of the class. We also received our study guides for our test on Tuesday.

Block 2:
We practiced our population song and performed it in front of the class. We will get study guides tomorrow. We ran out of time in class today to get them.

Block 3:
We practiced our population song. We were unable to perform the songs today because my Ipod ran out of battery. We will perform ours tomorrow. We also received our study guides for our test on Tuesday and went over our population density maps.

All Classes:
Current Events is due tomorrow.
Bonus is due tomorrow as well.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What we did today

All Classes:
We finished our Population Guided Reading and turned this in. Those that did not finish have it for homework tonight.

We continued to work on our Population songs. So many groups are doing awesome!!! I'm excited about our presentations tomorrow.

Homework: Current events due Friday
                    Bonus work due Friday if the student chose to do this

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What we did today

Blocks 1 and 2:
We reviewed our Culture test today. Most students did well on this. We received our vocabulary quizzes on population back today. We discussed these and went over the correct answers. We continued working on our Population Guided Readings. These are due tomorrow in class. We will have some time to work on them but you should be almost done with these. Then, we started our group work for our song presentation. Some groups are doing a great job with this.

Block 3:
We received back and reviewed the following papers: "Urban Planning" reading, "China" reading, Population vocabulary quiz, and Culture test. We discussed all of them and went over the correct answers on each. We worked on our Population Guided Reading a little bit and will have more time to finish this in class tomorrow. They are due tomorrow. Then, we began working in groups for our Population song presentation.

All Classes:
Bonus is due Friday if you chose to do this.
Current Events are due Friday.
One month from today, your GREAT project is due.

Monday, October 18, 2010

What we did Today!

Block 1:
We reviewed our population notes that we finished Friday. We took a quiz on the 12 vocabulary words for the chapter. Mr. Bullins came in and conducted GREAT. We began working on our Population Guided Reading and our homework paper on population density maps.

Block 2:
We reviewed our population notes that we finished Friday. We took a quiz on the 12 vocabulary words for the chapter. We began working on our Population Guided Reading and our homework paper on population density maps. We got into groups today and picked our songs for our singing presentation on population. We will continue to work on this Tuesday and Wednesday and we will present on Thursday. Mr. Bullins did not come in today and will make this day up later in the week.

Block 3:
We reviewed our population notes that we finished Friday. We took a quiz on the 12 vocabulary words for the chapter. Mr. Bullins came in and conducted GREAT. We began working on our Population Guided Reading and our homework paper on population density maps.

All Classes
Homework: Population density maps on Japan and Australia

Don't forget your GREAT project is due November 19th
Our population test will be Tuesday, October 26th.
Study guides for the population test will go home on Thursday

Friday, October 15, 2010

What we did today

Blocks 1 and 2:
We finished taking notes on our Population chapter. We discussed our two readings of homework from yesterday. We turned in our Current Events and listened to the "Week in Rap."

Block 3:
We began and finished our notes on the Population chapter. We turned in our Current Events and listened to the "Week in Rap."

All Classes:
Vocabulary Quiz on Monday: 12 Words
Population, Population Density, Suburbanization, Urbanization, Refugee, Famine, Immigrant, Emigrate, Birth Rate, Death Rate, Migration, Rural


Thursday, October 14, 2010

What we did Today!

All Classes:
Finished vocabulary for Population chapter.
Began notes on the Population chapter. We will finish these tomorrow.
We reviewed our Africa Junior Scholastic from last week and our Brazil T-Chart from Monday.

Current Events are due tomorrow.
Quiz on vocabulary for Population chapter on Monday. Study Study

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What we did today

All Classes:
Worked on finishing vocabulary for our Population chapter which we will begin tomorrow. I allowed class time to work on current events if the students chose to do so. Some students have yet to finish their vocabulary. They will have limited time in class tomorrow to finish. These students need to really focus and get their work done in class.

Mr. Bullins came in and conducted GREAT today. Their GREAT projects will be due November 19th. Each student received a blue paper regarding their GREAT project earlier this week.

Homework: 2 Readings
                                       1) "Urban Planning"
                                       2) "China"
           Read these and answer the questions for each.

Monday: Quiz on vocabulary

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What we did Today!

All Classes:
Students took their Culture Test.

We finished our Africa Junior Scholastic and Brazil T-chart.

We began (some students finished) working on our definitions for our Population chapter that we will start on Thursday.

With any time left over in class, students worked on their current events.

Mr. Bullins will come in tomorrow to make up for missing Monday's class.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Dance this Friday. $5 per ticket

Report cards went home today.

Return parent survey by Friday the 15th.

Canned food drive for GREAT is due November 19th.

Culture Test Tomorrow

All Classes:
We reviewed for the test and I fielded questions about your study guides. If you have any questions tonight, please email or blog me before 9pm.

We got our current events notebooks back. There is another current event due Friday.

Your culture test is tomorrow. Your only homework tonight is to STUDY STUDY STUDY! 

Mr. Bullins did not come in and conduct GREAT today. He most likely will come in one day later this week. Try to get your GREAT paper signed by then. I did send home with you the directions for your GREAT projects. These are due by November 19th. There are no excuses for late work. If you cannot do what the requirements are, please talk to me or Mr. Bullins. We will give you a separate project.

We worked on a Culture reading about the daily life of a Brazilian girl. We will finish this tomorrow after your test.

Report cards went home today. My homebase students need to have these signed and returned by Wednesday.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Reward Day

Today the students were able to participate in their first reward day and their first attendance party. The day was successful and hopefully students will realize the importance of coming to school, behaving, and bringing all materials to class including their homework.

My students who did not earn their Reward Day stayed in my room finishing their current events or working on their study guide for their culture test on Tuesday.

Progress reports are due Monday
Current Events due Monday with two articles if you did not turn it in today!
GREAT Paper needs signed by Monday
Culture test on Tuesday... you should already be studying!

Report cards go home Monday.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

What we did today

All classes:
We continued to work on our Africa Junior Scholastic magazines. Most students have completed them but I am still waiting on some to complete their work. They will get a chance to do this on Tuesday after our Culture test. We received our study guides today to help us study for our test on Tuesday. Make sure you have your GREAT paper signed by Monday. Also, we will review your cultural traits quiz tomorrow.

Progress reports that show your 1st 6 weeks final grade were sent home today in my class. Students need to have these signed and returned by Monday.

Blocks 1 and 2:
We reviewed your culture guided reading.

Block 3: 
We will review your culture guided reading tomorrow.


Current events are due tomorrow as well.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Culture Test

Reminder for students:

Your test on your Culture chapter which includes the 8 cultural traits, will be on Tuesday, October 12th. Study guides for this test will go home tomorrow (Thursday).

Start studying now so that you can ask me questions on Monday.

Field Trip Day!

All of Cotten, Hylton, and Schraufnagel's classes were on a field trip today to HAW River. I stayed behind with the students who did not attend the trip. These students worked on assignments given by each of their teachers.

I hope all of the students who went on the trip had a great time and have stories to tell me when they return to school tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What we did Today!

All classes:

Students who did not finish their culture guided reading last week did so today. We also worked on our Junior Scholastic magazines most of the class period.

We will finish working with the magazines on Thursday since tomorrow is the Haw River Field Trip.

Many students did not follow directions and/or did not complete their Cultural Traits project/collage for which they had over a week to finish.

I came back to my classroom yesterday to learn from at least 5 different adults in the school that the behavior in all three of my classes was terrible while I was away. I have addressed this issue with them and had each student write me a letter explaining how they thought their class' behavior was last week. These letters are not good. Many students described students being rude to the substitute and basically taking advantage of me not being in the classroom. I am very disappointed and saddened that my students have acted this way and I do hope you address this at home with your child. Many students said that others were back talking my substitute. There is no reason for this kind of behavior to go on in my classroom whether I am there or not. My expectations do not change whether I am in the classroom or not.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Next Week

Parents and Students

This is a reminder that I will not be at work all next week. I apologize for the inconvenience but you will be left in capable hands with Mrs. Comer. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call the school and ask for her.

Agenda for next week: (9/27 - 10/01)

Monday: Mr. Bullins/GREAT
                       Quiz on Cultural Traits notes/vocabulary

Tuesday: Guided Reading worksheet on culture chapter
                        Junior Scholastic Magazine
                      Work on current events and/or cultural traits projects

Wednesday: Junior Scholastic Magazine
                              Work on current events and/or cultural traits

Thursday: Library - Almanac lesson

Friday: Turn in current events
                   Turn in cultural traits projects
                   Library - Finish almanac lesson
                   Any time left over: work on projects, current events,
                             Junior Scholastic Magazines

Monday, October 4th is a teacher workday and students do not come to school.

What we did Today!

All classes worked on their 8 cultural traits projects today. These are due next Friday! Next week they will have the opportunity to work on these in class but not a lot of time will be given. Students can do these at home if they need to.

We received our Cultural Vocabulary Quizzes back today.

Monday, we are having a quiz on the 8 cultural traits notes and vocabulary. It will be especially important to know your three types of government and three types of economies.

Mr. Bullins will be in class on Monday as well.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What we did today!

Today all classes took notes on the 8 Cultural Traits. We took a short quiz on the vocabulary in this section. Monday we will have a quiz on the notes we took today. Start looking over your notes now. Some of it includes your vocabulary words again.

We began our 8 Cultural Traits project today and will hopefully finish it tomorrow. If not, you all will finish with the substitute next week.

Reminder: Mrs. Cotten will not be here all next week. Mrs. Comer will be your substitute all week. If you have any questions or concerns, my blog will not be updated next week. However, tomorrow, I will list everything that we are doing in the classroom on my blog so you can be aware of what is on the agenda for next week while I am away.

There is no homework tonight! Enjoy your evening.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What we did Today!

Block 1 and 2:
We finished our vocabulary for the culture chapter. There will be a quiz on this tomorrow. We went over our pop quizzes we took on Tuesday.

Block 3:
We finished our vocabulary for the culture chapter. There will be a quiz on this tomorrow. We took a quiz on our culture notes section 1. We will get these back tomorrow.

Projects will be started tomorrow using the pictures you brought in.

Progress reports are due tomorrow signed. You will get a 100% if you bring it in by tomorrow and a 0% if you don't bring it in tomorrow.

HAW River field trip money is due Friday! ($25.00)

No Current Events this week.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What we did Today

Block 1 and 2:
We reviewed notes from Friday and took a pop quiz on the information. We began working in our Jigsaw groups to learn the 8 cultural traits. We will finish this tomorrow.

Block 3:
We read through your Railroads reading and discussed its importance to the Industrial Revolution. We reviewed your notes from Friday. You should expect a quiz on this information for tomorrow. We got into groups to begin our Jigsaw activity with the 8 cultural traits. Tomorrow, we will learn and complete this activity.

All Classes:
We received our progress reports today. These are due back signed by Thursday for a free 100%. We also received our Chapter 1 Tests back.

Homework: Be on the lookout for pop quizzes all week. Also, progress reports are due back signed by Thursday.

Project Alert:
I asked all students to bring in a picture of themselves so that we can make a personal connection to the 8 cultural traits being learned in class. We will be starting a project on Thursday and finishing it Friday using the 8 cultural traits and the picture that each student brought in. Please try to be here those two days so that you can complete your project.

Monday, September 20, 2010

What we did Today!

All Classes:
You received your current events notebooks back with your week 3 grade in them. These are getting better every week. Keep up the good work!

Mr. Bullins was in class today doing G.R.E.A.T.

Pictures for your project are due tomorrow! As of Wednesday, I will start to dock points every day your picture is late.


Block 1:
We reviewed your Constitution Day homework.

Block 2:
We reviewed your Constitution Day homework and your Railroads reading.

Block 3:
We did not get to review your homework papers. Make sure you have this in class tomorrow.


Sunday, September 19, 2010


The Steelers are on today so hopefully you all are watching the game.

Remember to bring in your picture of yourself.

HAW River money is due Friday. The Cotten, Schraufnagel, Hylton team is going to Haw River on October 5th.

Progress Reports go home on Tuesday.

Wednesday is an early release day.

Monday, October 4th is a teacher workday so there is no school for students.


Friday, September 17, 2010

What we did today

We listened to the week in rap.

We turned in our current events notebooks. Remember: if you did not turn it in today, you can turn it in Monday as long as you have two articles completed.

We began our chapter on Culture. We took notes today on the first section of this chapter.

Currently, the next few chapters we do are not out of your classroom textbook. However, some of the information is the same but I am using another resource to put together my class notes and presentations. Please make sure you keep your notes organized, labeled, and up-to-date (in the case of being absent) so that you will be able to complete assignments in class or at home.

Some of you did not come to school today with a picture of yourself. You need this picture by Tuesday so we can start your project.

Have a great weekend. Mr. Bullins will be in class on Monday.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Blue form for HAW RIVER FIELD TRIP is due tomorrow.

Money for HAW RIVER FIELD TRIP is due September 24th.

PICTURE DAY is tomorrow.

EARLY RELEASE day is September 22nd.

If you have not had your parents sign your GREAT paper, this is due Monday or Mr. Bullins cannot allow you to participate in GREAT class.

What we did Today

Today we did activities related to Constitution Day. Tomorrow is the actual day of celebrating the Constitution and we prepared ourselves to be knowledgeable citizens of America.

We turned in our Railroads reading that was homework last night.

1) Current Events
2) Constitution Multiple Choice questions
3) Bring in picture of yourself (no baby pics please)

Have a great night!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What we did today

All classes took their chapter 1 test today.

Homework: complete the reading about railroads

Remember to bring in a picture of yourself by Friday. It should not be a large picture but something you can put on paper for a project. We will start the project Tuesday of next week.

Keep working on your current events for the week.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Haw River field trip form is due by September 17th. This form needs turned in with a parent signature so that we know you and your parents understand the discipline policy.

HAW River
field trip money is due by September 24th. Try to get your money in as soon as possible. YOU WANT TO GO ON THIS TRIP!!!

September 17th is picture day at school. Come dressed to impress!

September 22nd is an early release day from school. School lets out at 12:55p.m.

If girls are interested in science or would like to spend more time doing experiments, they should attend the GELS (Girls Experiencing and Learning Science) meeting. The meeting is Wednesday, September 15th in room 607 from 3:15 - 3:45. COME AND ENJOY THE FASCINATING WORLD OF SCIENCE. (You may even get to shoot off a rocket)

What we did Today!

All classes glued a strip of paper into their current events notebooks which helps to clarify what are current events and what are NOT considered current events. This paper needs to be glued in by Friday for those of you who had their notebooks at home. I will be looking for it when I grade your article.

We reviewed your chapter 1 test study guide. There weren't a lot of questions being asked so hopefully this means everyone is ready and prepared for their test tomorrow. STUDY STUDY STUDY!

We ended the day with a geography game. Winners will be announced tomorrow before your test.


Your test is on all notes, guided readings, and worksheets from chapter 1.

Monday, September 13, 2010

What we did Today!

All Classes:
We received our grades on the second current events articles we did. They were much better this week!!! YAY!

Mr. Bullins came in and conducted his G.R.E.A.T. class today. There are some students that have yet to bring in your paper signed. Please remember this for next Monday in order to participate for the remainder of the year.

Remember to bring in a picture or yourself by Friday. This needs to be a recent picture (within the last two years). No baby pictures! We will be starting a project next week using these pictures you bring in.

Make sure to have your study guides in class tomorrow. We will review for your chapter 1 test tomorrow.

Your chapter 1 test is Wednesday, September 15th.

Blocks 1 and 2:
We reviewed your chapter 1 section 2 guided reading, compass rose, and map key papers.

Block 3:
We reviewed your chapter 1 section 2 guided reading and compass rose papers.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Haw River field trip form is due by September 17th. This form needs turned in with a parent signature so that we know you and your parents understand the discipline policy.

HAW River
field trip money is due by September 24th. Try to get your money in as soon as possible. YOU WANT TO GO ON THIS TRIP!!!

The school-wide candy fundraiser has kicked off. Money will be collected on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays only. Please do not bring in money on any other day because we will not take it from you.

September 17th is picture day at school. Come dressed to impress!

September 22nd is an early release day from school. School lets out at 12:55p.m.

If girls are interested in science or would like to spend more time doing experiments, they should attend the GELS (Girls Experiencing and Learning Science) meeting. The meeting is Wednesday, September 15th in room 607 from 3:15 - 3:45. COME AND ENJOY THE FASCINATING WORLD OF SCIENCE. (You may even get to shoot off a rocket)

What we did today!

All Classes:
We turned in our homework from last night. This was the compass rose paper and using a map key paper. All current events were due today as well. Study guides for the first chapter test were handed out today. Everyone should start studying, or at least read through the study guide so that you come prepared to ask questions on Monday and Tuesday.

Reminder: if you did not complete your current events then you need to have two done by Monday's class in order to receive full credit.

Each student needs to have their GREAT paper signed in order to attend Mr. Bullins' class on Monday. He is in the room every Monday and you will not want to miss out!

Block 1 and 2:
Finished the guided reading for chapter 1 section 2. We will go over this on Monday.

Block 3:
We discusses the notes for chapter 1 section 2 and then completed the guided reading for chapter 1 section 2. We will review these on Monday.

Chapter 1 Test is Wednesday, September 15th.

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

What we did today!

All Classes:
Each class has two homework assignments tonight. Students need to complete a compass rose worksheet and a map key worksheet. This is due when you come into class tomorrow. Also, your second current events article is due tomorrow. I hope you all did not wait until the last minute to do this again!!!

Study guides for your first chapter test will go home tomorrow. Your chapter 1 test is on Wednesday, September 15th.

Reminder: Mr. Bullins needs your GREAT paper signed by Monday. If you don't have this, you don't get to participate in class on Mondays.

Block 1 and Block 2:
We finished your longitude and latitude quiz on coordinates today. Most of you did really awesome! We completed filling in our notes for chapter 1 section 2 and began working on our guided reading for that section.

Block 3:
Mr. Bullins came in and did GREAT today. We also began filling out our chapter 1 section 2 notes. Be ready to finish your longitude and latitude quiz on coordinates tomorrow.

See you all tomorrow!!!

Don't watch too much t.v. tonight. You have work to get done!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


FCA dance on Friday. The cost is $5 and you have tomorrow and Friday morning to buy tickets!!

HAW River field trip money is due September 24th. Try to get your money in as soon as possible. YOU WANT TO GO ON THIS TRIP!!!

Tomorrow we have an assembly to discuss the candy fundraiser here at RCMS. Candy will be coming home either tomorrow or Friday.

September 22nd is an early release day from school. School lets out at 12:55p.m.

If girls are interested in science or would like to spend more time doing experiments, they should attend the GELS (Girls Experiencing and Learning Science) meeting. The meeting is Wednesday, September 15th in room 607 from 3:15 - 3:45. COME AND ENJOY THE FASCINATING WORLD OF SCIENCE. (You may even get to shoot off a rocket)

What we did Today!

Block 1 and Block 3:
We reviewed the longitude and latitude worksheet from our group work. Then, we reviewed the answers on the 5 themes of geography quiz. We took a short pop quiz on longitude, latitude, and hemispheres. After reviewing the answers to this, we began a second quiz (a group quiz) on using longitude and latitude coordinates.

We began talking briefly about maps and parts to a map to get us ready for section 2 in chapter 1.

Block 2:
We reviewed the longitude and latitude worksheet from our group work. We reviewed the answers to our guided reading for chapter 1 section 1 and discussed our 5 themes of geography before we took the quiz on the 5 themes.

After taking the 5 themes of geography quiz we graded this and reviewed the answers. Then, we took a short pop quiz on longitude, latitude, and hemispheres.

We began talking briefly about maps and parts to a map to get us ready for section 2 in chapter 1.

All Classes:
No classes have homework tonight.

Get some good sleep tonight and come back ready to ace your longitude and latitude coordinates quiz!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What we did today

All classes:
Current events notebooks were returned with grades stapled inside today. A new current event article is due this Friday!!!

Block 1:
Mr. Bullins began GREAT today. We took a quiz on the 5 themes of geography. We took a pre-quiz on maps which we will begin talking about tomorrow.

Block 2:
Mr. Bullins began GREAT today. We took a pre-quiz on maps which we will begin talking about tomorrow. We finished our competition with the guided readings on chapter 1 section 1 and received grades on those.

Block 3:
We took a quiz on the 5 themes of geography today. We finished our competition with the guided readings on chapter 1 section 1 and received grades on those.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


For those of you who were absent on Friday or failed to turn in your current events notebooks...
If you were absent Friday, you need to have one finished article. If you failed to turn in your notebook and you would like a grade, you need to hand in two finished articles.

Look over your notes to understand your five themes of geography quiz.

Enjoy your Labor Day!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

What we did Today

We turned in our first current events articles. I had some students who did not finish theirs and some who did not follow directions. Please don't wait until Thursday night to start working on your articles!!! You have a week to get one article done. Don't procrastinate!!!

All classes received their world map tests back. Mostly everyone did a great job. Awesome!!!

Reward charts were introduced. I even gave my first rewards out today.

We finished our notes on chapter 1 section 1 too. If you were absent, make sure you get these from a classmate or ask me.

Block 1:
We finished our competition today and worksheet: guided reading chapter 1 section 1. I loved the competition in the room. You guys all did great! Remember that you will have your quiz on the five themes of geography on Tuesday.

Blocks 2 and 3:
We began our competition today using the worksheet: guided reading chapter 1 section 1. We will finish this on Tuesday. You guys will have a quiz on the five themes of geography on Tuesday.

Have a great Labor Day weekend and eat some burgers and hot dogs. YUM!!!

Maybe you could even get some hohos!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What we did Today!

In Block 1:
Today we finished our group work. If you have been absent, you will have to finish this on your own. But, if you have questions or need help, please ask.

We completed the rest of our notes and discussion on chapter 1 section 1.

In Blocks 2 and 3:
Some groups finished their group work but there are some that will have to put it in fifth gear tomorrow to finish. We will complete your chapter 1 section 1 notes tomorrow.

All Classes:
Your current events articles are due tomorrow!!! This is your first one. A lot of you have waited until the last minute to do this assignment. Make sure you have this done for tomorrow. If they are not in your class crate by 3:01pm Friday they will be marked as late. Remember that we do have a deal that if you are late turning this in, you can do two articles and turn it in Monday. (In this case it will be Tuesday with the holiday weekend)

I am super excited to read your current events articles!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Computer Lab

Today we spent most of the class in the computer lab registering for the textbook online. We also learned how to navigate the website and the textbook.
The online textbook website: www.pearsonsuccessnet.com

While we were in the computer lab we discussed this blog and how to use it and how to sign in. Remember: you will need a gmail, yahoo, or AOL account to sign in. If you do not have one of these, you can create an account easily. Just follow the steps as they prompt you.

If you want to be a follower, which allows you to post comments, then you have so sign up to be a follower. If you just want access to read the blog, then all you do is type in the link and read. You do NOT have to sign up if all you want to do is read the blog.

After working the computer lab, we came back to class and worked for approximately 20min on our group work of hemispheres, longitude, and latitude.

No homework tonight!

Keep working on your current event articles. They are due Friday.

Keep up the good work guys!!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Test Day was Today!!!

I am excited to say that everyone survived their first test in Social Studies! Was it as bad as you thought? LOL!

After taking our world map test, students completed a worksheet on the hemispheres. We went over this and put it in our binders.

Next, we received our physical/political maps back with our grades on them. Some of us didn't do as well as we had hoped. We need to make sure we are reading the questions carefully and making sure that we are answering what the question is asking!

We began our group work with hemispheres, longitude and latitude. Tomorrow we will continue our group work. We are also going to the computer lab tomorrow to learn more about this blog and to learn how to access our textbook online.

Tomorrow will be a good day to be in class!!!

Remember: Your first articles are due Friday! The current event must have happened in the past 6 months. Make sure it is a news event and not entertainment or sports news.

Have a great day and I'll see you tomorrow!

Monday, August 30, 2010

What we did Today!

Good Afternoon

It has been a wonderful few days with you all so far. I hope we keep up the good work!!!

Tomorrow is our first test in this class. Make sure to study your continents and oceans tonight. There is a word bank on your test and I will be counting spelling as well.

Today we discussed our current events notebooks. Remember that one current event article is due every Friday. It will not be something that we discuss each week unless you have questions. But, every Friday your notebook should be in the crate in the front of the room so it can be graded.

Tomorrow we will continue to work on our chapter 1 section 1 notes and do an assignment with a partner working with longitude and latitude. Bring your math brains with you!!!

Study tonight and I will see you tomorrow.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


For those of you who have yet to bring in all of your classroom supplies....

Make sure to have everything in tomorrow (Monday). We are going to discuss how to complete our current events every week.

Continents and oceans test on Tuesday.

See you all tomorrow!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

What we did today

Students handed in their physical/political maps they did as homework last night. Also, some students still needed to hand their parent letter, syllabus, and student information sheet in and they did that as well.

This blog was introduced to the class: how to read it and log into it.

We finished coloring and labeling our world maps and practiced posting our continents and oceans onto the wall. There will be a map test on the continents and oceans on Tuesday, August 31st. Make sure you study.

We began taking notes on chapter 1 section 1. This section is all about geography and the five themes of geography. They are to keep their notes in their binder and bring these with them each day.

There is NO HOMEWORK tonight!! I hope everyone has a good weekend!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

What we did today

Students turned in their signed parent letter, syllabus, and student information sheet. If they did not sign this today, it is due tomorrow. Make sure to get these to me by tomorrow so you can get three 100s.

Answer 6 questions about the political map and 3 questions about the physical map. This is due tomorrow.

All supplies need to be in the classroom by Monday! If you cannot make it to the store, bring some money to school and you can purchase supplies from me.

Have a good evening and I will see you tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Hi Mrs. Cotten...Thanks for inviting me to your Blog. :-)

What we did today

We discussed class expectations, rules, and grading procedures. Students were sent home with a homework assignment tonight. All students need to have three sheets signed and brought back to me by Friday.

The three sheets are:
1) Pink Syllabus
2) Blue Parent Letter
3) White Student Information Sheet

Everyone did a great job today and make sure to keep practicing your lockers.

Reminder: Remember to bring in your classroom supplies listed on your class syllabus so that we can start working tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First day of School

I look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow to start our new journey through the 6th grade. Come prepared to begin a new adventure!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Open House

It was so nice to see everyone at open house today.
Here are a couple of reminders...

Homebase Supplies:
everyone needs to bring in a box of tissue... if you can, please bring in any of the following: clorox/lysol wipes, paper towels, hand sanitizer.

Social Studies Class Supplies:
colored pencils and pencil sharpener in baggie with your name on it (this will stay in the classroom), spiral notebook (this will stay in the classroom), 3-ring binder (you can share binders with another class), regular pencils.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Monday, May 24, 2010